Sounds Crazy

Sounds Crazy

Sounds Crazy Our neighbors across the street have a Moluccan cockatoo named Bird. Bird is about 30 years old, and they’ve had him most of that time. He is their baby. His mistress ( aka owner) works from home, he has has several enclosures inside…

Breaking Free from Mold Illness

Breaking Free from Mold Illness

A couple weekends ago my husband and I went to a spiritual retreat. About 55 people came from all over the world. Major human interaction over two and a half days. Trey and I haven’t done anything like this in years, and we were somewhat…

Off the Chain – Health Progress Through Mold Avoidance

Off the Chain – Health Progress Through Mold Avoidance

Today, Trey and I hiked 3 1/2 miles in, and 3 1/2 miles out of Joshua Tree National Park in 90F weather. Seven miles! It was incredible. I haven’t hiked that distance in many, many years.  Even last year after moving to this desert region…

This is Your Brain on Mold – Any Questions?

This is Your Brain on Mold – Any Questions?

Back in Oregon where I was still suffering the throes of biotoxin induced illness, I lost the ability to multi-task. Multi-tasking was a key part of both my work and personal life, so this was just about as difficult for my family as it was…

40th Year, in the Desert

40th Year, in the Desert

I turned 40 this year. Life continues to surprise me. Ten years ago I was chronically ill with a very long list of “no known cause, no known cure” illnesses, chronic anxiety, and a very, very painful body. That year a friend of mine, Jerry,…